Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of the Website and Information to Article 13, 14 and 21 of General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO)

Irrespective whether you are a customer of ours or whether you are interested in our website for other reasons: the protection of your privacy is important to us. Here you find out which personal data we raise from you while you are visiting our website including all undersides, and to which purposes, how we process the data and how we protect them. We also inform you about your rights to protect your data.

Who are we?

As FinWave we consult companies in all questions around the issues of digitalisation and robotics. As operators of this website we are responsible in terms of data privacy laws.

Our contact details are as follows:

FinWave GmbH
Wiltbergstraße 90, Haus 30 B
13125 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 – 55120022

Do you have any questions about this data protection declaration or how we protect your data? Then you are welcome to contact us at any time.

What Data do we use and how do we get them?

When we process personal data, this means that we collect, retain, transmit, delete them or use them in another way. As personal data we understand information about individual people such as

  • Customers, respectively employees or deputies of our customers
  • Interested parties visiting our website
  • All other individuals that are in contact with us, e.g. contributors of public authorities, messengers, as well as employees or deputies of our business partners or service providers

We process the following personal data:

When you are visiting our website we process the following usage data and log data

  • IP address of the accessing computer
  • Name of the recalled file
  • Date and time of recall
  • Transmitted amount of data
  • Status signal of a successfull recall
  • Type and version of browser along with the operation system, which you use
  • The so called referrer URL
  • Enquiring provider
  • Display resolution

When you are using the provided facilities to approach us we process your personal data and contact details such as

  • Name
  • Corporation
  • Postal address
  • E-Mail address and phone number
  • Eventually we process data which are comparable to the cathegories appointed above

How do we process Your Data an on what Legal Basis?

Data processing while visiting our Website

Data processing while visiting our website

If you visit our website merely exploratory, we process the usage data and log data described above. Those are technically required to show you our website and to ensure security and stability.

In case of illegitimate usage of our supply the log data serve as well to clarify enchroachments to be considered. This happens for instance due to assaults on our internet infrastructure. In these cases we use your data to parry the assault and to identify the origin oft he assault with the purpose to institute proceedings by civil and criminal law against those responsible and to obviate prospective assaults more effectively.

The data processing occures based on a balancing of interests which always considers your interests as well (Article 6, Item 1, Sentence 1 f DSGVO).

Use of Cookies

This website uses cookies. Cookies serve to make our supply more user-friendly, more effective and more secure. Cookies are text files which are retained from the internet browser or on your computer. The cookie contains a charakter string, which ensures the explicit identification of your system at a new request of our website. They serve to steer the internet connection during your current visit or a later visit of our website and thereby make the visit more comfortable for you.

Some elements on our website require that the calling browser can still be identified after visiting another website. Some cookies stay retained and enable us to recognise your browser during your next visit. Within the cookies, particularly your settings are retained and transmitted while using our website.

Those datas collected with assistance of technical required cookies are not used for creation of user profiles.

The procession occures based on a balancing of interests which always considers your interests as well (Article 6, Item 1, Sentence 1 f DSGVO).

Most of the cookies used by us („session cookies“) and the retained and transmitted data within them are deleted automatically after finishing your visit on our website. Other cookies („persistent cookies“) stay on your end device until you delete them.

Some browsers already permit cookies in their basic adjustment. If this is undesirable you can alterate the settings of your browser. Please gather these information how to do this from your browser provider (e.g. with the „help“ function). In case you decide against the usage of cookies, it could occure, that parts of our internet supply aren´t to be usable.

How do we process Data when You establish Contact to us?

Our supply faciliates you to establish contact to us. For instance, this is possible by using the provided phone number to call us or by sending an e-mail to our provided e-mail address. Those details you provide while you establish contact, e.g. your name, corporation, address, e-mail address and phone number, are retained to edit your request and, where appropriate, the following correspondence. The processing performs either to achieve a contract (Article 6, Item 1, lit. b) DSGVO) or based on a balancing of interests, (Article 6, Item 1, Sentence 1 f) DSGVO), which always considers your interests as well.

To which further Purposes do we process Your Data?

As far as necessary we process your data beyond the supply of our website especially for the following purposes:

  • Assertion of legal claims and plea of judicial disputes
  • Guarantee of IT security
  • Prevention and eludication of criminal offences

The processing performs based on a balancing of interests, (Article 6, Item 1, Sentence 1 f) DSGVO), which always considers your entitled interests as well.

Who receives Your Data?

We only transmit your personal data, if you have explicitely agreed, therefore a legitimate base is existing or it is required for the assertion of our rights, especially for the assertion and defence of our requirements.

Also service providers deployed by us can receive data for such purposes, if they do fulfill the requirements of data legacy and protection. Those could especially be companies like IT service providers and telecommunication.

When do we delete Your Data?

We delete your data when it isn’t necessary anymore for the purpose they were collected for. For example we delete your usage and log data generally after your visit of our website, to that extent we may not process them e.g. to parry and pursue assaults. Your data from requests is deleted by us when it isn’t required anymore after successful editing of your concerns. Furthermore we retain your data after abolition of the original purpose of collection when we are legally obligated (e.g. purposes of archiving) or entitled (e.g. purposes of assertion of our legal rights) to retain these data.

Is any Data transmitted to a Third Party Country or an International Organisation?

A transmission of your data to third party countries or international organisations doesn´t happen.

What are Your Legal Rights?

To protect your personal data the following legal rights are entitled

  • The right of information according to Article 15 DSGVO
  • The right of correction according to Article 16 DSGVO
  • The right of deletion according to Article 17 DSGVO
  • The right of limitation of data processing according to Article 18 DSGVO
  • The right of data transmissibility according to Article 20 DSGVO

For theright of information and the right of deletion, the limitations according to paragraphs 34 and 35 BDSG (German Federal Data Protection Act) are valid. Furthermore, you have the legal right to complain at a Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Protection (Article 77 DSGVO, Paragraph 19 BDSG).

Are we going to use Your Data for automated Decisions in particular Cases including Profiling?

Neither we process your data for automated decisions in particular cases, nor to generate profiles.

Data Security

We avail ourselves appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect your data against accidental or premeditated manipulation, partial or entire perdition, destruction or unauthorised access of third. Our security measures are continuously improved according to the technical advance.

Information about Your Legal Right of Withdrawal according to Article 21 of General Data Protection Regulation DSGVO

Right of Withdrawal according to each Indivudual Case

Because of reasons according to your individual personal situation you have the right to enter an objection against processing personal data referring to you, which happens according to Article 6, Item 1 e) DSGVO (data processing for the public benefit) and to Article 6, Item 1 f) DSGVO (data processing based on a balancing of interests), anytime. This is also valid for profiling according to this designation in terms of Article 4, Item 4 DSGVO.

If you enter an objection we will not process your personal data anymore, unless we can produce coercively reasons requiring protection for the processing which outweigh your interests, legal rights and liberty, or the processing serves the assertion, exertion or defence of legal claims.

Right of Withdrawal against Data Processing for our Direct Mail or Advertisement

Currently, we are not processing any of your personal data to organise direct mail. Nonetheless we indicate that you have got the legal right to enter an objection against the processing of personal data for the purpose of such advertisement anytime. This is also valid for profiling to that extent it is in connection to such kind of direct mail.

If you enter an objection against processing your data for the purposes of direct mail, we will not process your personal data for these purposes.

Entering an objection can occur informal and should preferably be addressed to

FinWave GmbH
Wiltbergstraße 90, Haus 30 B
13125 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 – 55120022